“The Hard Core”
This is the place. The hangout for the truly committed.
Join us and you’ll have your own Nut #. It’s stamped on the back of your Bag Tag. It proves you’re certifiable. Once you join, you’ll be Certified.
We also take our commitment to the game seriously. It’s why we have an Entrance Exam. So, join and test your commitment. See how nuts you are.
Probably the best part of your membership is the stories. They’re all true. Every one of them. And they come from you, the Nuts. Join the discussion! We’d love to hear your stories in search of The Secret.
And, yes, basketball legend Michael Jordan (#0023) is a member. He was 1989 Golf Nut of the Year. He has his own page (See the left margin for the link). He’s been nuts about the game for a long time…but then you probably already know that.

Michael isn’t the only famous member of the Golf Nut Society, including some who are no longer with us. Here’s just a sampling of the thousands of golfers who have become members of the Golf Nut Society and earned the designation “Certified Golf Nut”.

The late, great Bob Hope was a board member of the Golf Nut Society and remains an emeritus member of the board. He wrote us a memorable acceptance letter which is shared on our Hall of Fame page.

The Golf Nut Society’s first-ever Golf Nut of the Year. Our story wouldn’t be complete without talking about Joe Malay from beautiful, downtown, Weiser, Oregon. To say that Joe is unique is like saying that water is wet. You’ll definitely want to go to our Hall of Fame page and read about Joe.

You can read more about Bob and his historic feats on our Hall of Fame page. He amassed a record 122,289 Nut Points, a full 50,000+ points ahead of the Golf Nut in 2nd place on the All-Time list.
So many golf nuts, so little time…but you can read about all of them right here at GolfNut.com. Just pick a page and take a look, whether it’s Our History, the MJ page, or our Hall of Fame, you will find their insane commitment to this great game inspiring and downright hilarious at times.
Enjoy the read, and we hope you’ll join our growing army of Certified Golf Nuts.