We’re considering this guy for head pro at the Golf Nut Society.
Click the image to watch him swing, and let me know if you think he has the right stuff.
The Head Nut
6 thoughts on “Head Pro Candidate”
Absolutely, get this guy on a long term contract as soon as you can, include a clothing and shoe deal. Will bring a whole new demographic to GNS, the upwardly mobile toddler.
His upper body is tilted forward at address but he pulls it back nicely through the swing. Dont worry about the shirtless look, it could help grow the game by drawing in the drunken football fans in after the super bowl is over!
Club is a touch hooded at address but he does so many things right it doesn’t matter. The way colleges offer 8th graders football scholarships now, it would be a great idea to get this guy under contract. I will volunteer to caddie until he starts hitting a full bag!
Absolutely, get this guy on a long term contract as soon as you can, include a clothing and shoe deal. Will bring a whole new demographic to GNS, the upwardly mobile toddler.
Solid review, #2020. The sort of thing we expect from a Golf Nut Legend.
His upper body is tilted forward at address but he pulls it back nicely through the swing. Dont worry about the shirtless look, it could help grow the game by drawing in the drunken football fans in after the super bowl is over!
Excellent analysis, #4050. I would add that he would look much better in a GNS cap, although Titleist is a solid brand.
Club is a touch hooded at address but he does so many things right it doesn’t matter. The way colleges offer 8th graders football scholarships now, it would be a great idea to get this guy under contract. I will volunteer to caddie until he starts hitting a full bag!
Yes, #4023, it is true that his driver is hooded and closed at address, but his move through impact and full finish are solid.