Meet Gretchen Johnson
A young woman from Portland that fellow Golf Nut Al Jamieson (#1897) met years ago when she worked for Nike. He was asked to host her at his club by a mutual friend. She was first and foremost a runner who dated a golfer when attending NYU and thus took up golf. Since then, she has made match play in four women’s U.S. Mid-Amateurs, played in the Women’s Four Ball, and won a few Oregon events.
Along the way she has competed in speed golf. A couple of years ago, she won an event in Chicago. Shot 72 in 57 minutes!!
She not only plays well, she plays FAST!!
And fast is the only way to play.
The Head Nut
I love to play fast. We usually have the first tee time on Sunday Morning at our club, 8 guys, we tee off at 7:30 and 7:38 am. I am usually making breakfast or brats for the guys on my deck before 10:45 am. (I live on the 18th hole about 72 yards from the center of the green). 57 minutes is ridiculous.. so impressive.
I prefer the term without undue delay to fast.