George Stark #3194
The Golf Nut Society has a rich blend of fun and interesting members, one of which is long-time member George Stark (#3194). So, it is my great pleasure to profile him in today’s post.

From a career perspective, George has a very interesting background, including 30 years with NASA, NORAD, and IBM. He also taught at several universities, and has 30+ patents and has written 40 journal publications to his credit.
As a golfer, he currently carries a 5 Index, so he’s a player. He has played more than 500 courses in 12 countries, so he’s also a “traveling player” and is also a certified course rater through the Texas Golf Association.
The other reason I’m profiling #3194 is to help him announce his latest book, A Week on England’s Golf Coast about the courses in England’s northwest corner…

It features three Royals (Birkdale, Lytham, and Liverpool) and three Open qualifying venues (Hillside, West Lancashire, and Formby), and all are excellent courses. The book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Here is the amazon link:

George’s first book, a coffee table book called Tee to Green: A Golfer’s Odyssey through America’s 50 States can be found here: (
Even though it’s getting late, either book would make a great Christmas gift. And, no, George didn’t ask me to write that, nor am I receiving a dime for any book sales.
Let’s support #3194 in his literary pursuits and buy a copy or two of his books.
Go Nuts!
The Head Nut