Every golf nut has been there and at least WANTED to do that.
The Head Nut
Every golf nut has been there and at least WANTED to do that.
The Head Nut
ATSCL is at it again…
Dear Head Nut,
Ok, I finally found it, the secret to my golf swing. Notice I didn’t say the golf swing because it only cures my faults, nobody else’s.
Here it is…
1. Pull the club back slightly outside the line with my right hand to create a wide arc?
2. From the top my first thought is to unwind my hips, closely followed by bringing my right elbow in so that it feels like it’s riding on my right hip all the way down and through. Try to keep left arm straight.
3. Swing through with the right side and arm but retain the right hand wrist cock. Straight left arm leads but the right side pushes the right palm toward the target.
Simple enough?
Even though there are more than three detailed thoughts in there I actually see this as only three moves. My brain says “pull back”, “elbow rides hip” and “push palm”. The only part that fails sometimes is the left arm which still bends occasionally, which costs distance.
The amazing part is that typical ball flight is either straight or slight draw, even though I’m not rolling my hands or arms over at all. I believe the right elbow/hip trick keeps my swing plane on track.
The rain here is ridiculous. I’ve only been to the range twice in the last two weeks but hit it great both times without changing or adding anything. As you know, that’s a miracle for me. This week looks crappy again but if and when the sun ever shines here I’ll send you a movie.
Ken “ATSCL” Hoel (#1231)
There is only one Ken Hoel. He is our All-time Swing Change Leader and continues to lead and inspire in the never-ending search for The Secret.
The Head Nut
Dear Head Nut,
I had the strangest thing happen to me in my 47 years of playing golf.
A few days ago, after weeks of rehabilitation for my sore back and no range time, I decided I could play 9 holes as long I didn’t take any practice swings. My sole swing thought was just to meet the ball with the middle of the club face and to swing so easy that my back would not act up again. I hit the ball great, shot an easy 2 over.
It was like an out of body experience. Not one thought about swing planes, weight shift, or any of the hundreds of swing keys I have tried over the years. No left arm, right elbow, hip turn or gobbledygook. It was really neat.
So, anxious to do that again I went back to the course 2 days later. Same goal, same attitude, …. meet the ball, don’t get hurt.
Well, you guessed it. Played like crap. Hit it all over the place. Even skulled a few chip shots. How did that spastic get back into my swing?
To make this story even sadder, two later I went back and tried it again. Same results, Mr. Smooth turned back into Mr. Shmuck. Even worse than last time.
So what happened? Was my mind and body possessed by the Ghost of Golf. Had to be something like that. It sure seemed like a dream followed up by two nightmares.
So now I have a new goal to seek out. It’s to meet the Ghost again. I’m thinking he’ll show up if, at address, I keep telling myself “meet the ball, don’t get hurt.”
More to come….
Ken Hoel (#1231)
ATSCL (All-time Swing Change Leader)
Is there any doubt why #1231 is our All-time Swing Change Leader? I didn’t think so.
The Head Nut
Moe Norman was the greatest ball-striker of all time. Click the following links to read about this legendary golf nut…
Golf’s Greatest Ball-Striker – Part One
Golf’s Greatest Ball-Striker – Part Two
Thanks to Jan Bel Jan, Nut #4047, for sharing this great article with us. Her Uncle Andy was the pro at Ormond Beach CC for two years at the time Moe was playing well. They played together several times a week. “Moe was comfortable with my Uncle Andy because he was such a low-key guy,” recalled Jan.
The Head Nut
Here’s a great article written by Dan Jenkins in 1969 abut the Arnold Palmer…
I hope you enjoyed the read.
The Head Nut
I was rummaging through some old magazines I had saved because of their historical significance when I ran across this interesting Letter from the Publisher in the February 6, 1967 issue of Sports Illustrated. Below is the publisher’s page of the magazine followed by the page in the magazine he referenced. It’s an interesting read and a fun visit to the past…
I enjoyed my brief journey to the past and hope you did too.
The Head Nut
Hey Nuts,
I was going through some (very) old Sports Illustrated magazines this past weekend (1968 to be exact) and came across these two golf club ads…
My, how times have changed! Let’s see Bryson or Brooks hit 350-400 yard bombs or 220-yard 5-irons with these clubs.
The Head Nut
For those who think you need a perfect swing to play great golf, here are the top of backswing positions of the 12 US Ryder Cup players. Personally, I only see one perfect backswing position, and that’s Harris English. Finau’s is good, but short.
How many great backswings do you see?
The Head Nut
On this Ryder Cup Sunday, “Super Nut” Dave ‘Iron Byron’ Wells (Nut #2803) shared the above photo of two of his most treasured autographs.
Thanks, Iron!
And enjoy Ryder Cup Sunday, everyone. It looks like a blowout for the American side…but you never know.
The Head Nut